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David Wilson Memorial Garden

John Polanyi CI (JPCI)

Located at: 640 Lawrence Ave. W at Allen Rd.

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Garden Site Managers: 

Libby Edwards <

Marcelle Van Zyl <

Located in the heart of Lawrence Heights, the Grow-to-Learn garden at John Polanyi Collegiate Institute is a thriving hub of urban agriculture, experiential learning, and community engagement. The garden produced a remarkable 2626.1 lbs of fresh produce in 2023, with a market value of $15,839.83. This vibrant green space not only serves as an outdoor classroom for students, but also contributes to local food security initiatives by distributing fresh produce to local food banks and low-income families.


Student Volunteer Hours: Available for high school students on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm.


All after school volunteering and programming qualifies for community service hours. Please bring your forms with you for staff to fill out at the garden!


Community Volunteer Hours: Available to the community starting on May 14th, Tuesdays from 10:00am-1:00pm, July and August Thursdays from 10am-1:00pm through to the end of August. Additional volunteer days scheduled on an as-needed basis. All volunteers must attend a Volunteer Orientation Session prior to beginning volunteer work.


Email to learn more, and to be notified around availability for our volunteer programs and how to sign up. If you are unable to attend our regular Tuesday volunteer sessions, you can still be added to our list to be notified ahead of additional volunteer days.


Open for monthly community dinners in the Summer, all are welcome. Please check our Instagram Page and Email Updates for future community dinner and garden event dates and times. We look forward to seeing you! 

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